Automated Direct Debit Amendments and Cancellations System 自動直接借記改正和取消系統;debit 借方;借項;借額;記入借方的款項;debit advice 借記通知書;借項通知單(銀行用);借項通知書;出帳報單;temporary debit 臨時借款;暫付款項;臨時借款 財經;direct debit 直接借記;代繳作業;直接扣款;直接借記銀行存款帳戶,直接付帳;
1.We will debit you with the total amount value RMB119, please confirm it, if there is no question then sign back and afford the corresponding invoice number to us, thank you for your aidance. 我們會在你方的帳戶借方總額119元整,請確認,如無異議則在背面簽字並將你方相應的發票號告之我方,多謝協作。
2.Debit cards, also known as check cards, do not have interest charges. 借記卡同樣被看作是支票保證卡,是沒有利息費用的。
3.Conventionally, asset and expense increases are recorded as debit, while liability, owners' equity, and revenue increases are recorded as credit. 根據慣例,資產和費用的增加記為借項,而負債,所有者權益,收入的增加記為貸項。
4.To whom shall I debit the amount ? 這筆帳要記入誰的借方帳中?
5.They are mainly credit and debit, some cash for small denomination purchases. 他們主要是信用卡和付款,一些是為小面額現金購買。
he instructs the bank to debit his account only in respect of cheques drawn by himself. - 囑咐銀行他的存款只能憑他本人簽字的支票來提取。