monist['mɔnist, 'məu-]n. 一元論者
monist 一元論者;methodological monist 方法學上的一元論者;
1.A type-F monist may have one of a number of attitudes to the zombie argument against materialism. 一個F類一元論持有一些人偶論證的看法去反對物質主義。
2.Alternatively, a type-F monist who sticks to dispositional physical concepts will make responses analogous to one of the other two responses above. 可選的是,F類一元論者(堅持趨勢物理概念)會做出上兩個回應之一。
3.JIN Yue-lin holds that there may be pluralistic logic systems, but logic can be monistic only, and hence is a monist in theory, but a pluralist in reality. 因此,從理論層面上看金岳霖是個一元論者,而從事實層面上講他則是個多元論者。這種邏輯眼界對邏輯科學的發展有著極其重要的意義。