Motuabbr. 決勝時空戰區(Masters of the Universe);流動光學跟蹤設備(Mobile Optical Tracking Unit);機動技護小組
MOTU Masters of the Universe;Mark of The Unicorn;Mark of the Unicorn;魔圖通;motu proprio 自動詔書;教宗自動詔書;(拉) 自動詔書,自動諭,教宗手諭,自發詔書,自動法令 羅馬教宗以其權柄頒發有關法律範圍的官方文件。;Hiri Motu 希利摩陀語;De Motu 論運動;MOTU NUI 莫托努伊;
1.What's your favorite part of working with the MOTU? 你在MOTU工作的過程中,最喜歡哪一個部分?===。
2.Set goals, then jump right in! For me, goal setting was the key between wanting to be a MOTU, and actually working towards becoming a MOTU. 要確定一個目標,並且投入進去!對我而言,要想成為MOTU的一員,目標的確定是關鍵,只有這樣,才是真正為MOTU工作。
3.Language: there are more than 742 native languages. Pidgin and English are in common use. English and Motu are the official languages in Parliament. 語言:有742種以上的土語方言。英語和皮金語較為流行。英語和莫土語是議會中使用的官方語言。