





her[hə:, ॼ౉ٺ, hə, ə]pron. 她的;她


her 她的;她(賓格);好的;電子健康檔案;Her moderm 她的男人;她的漢子;her hair 她的秀髮;她的頭髮圖片;她的頭髮;她得秀髮;her lines 她優雅的線條;她優雅得線條;她的線條;她優雅啲線條;Her World 她的世界;


1.I hope it fits on her finger. 我希望她戴在手指上很合適。

2.So she gave her her own jacket. 所以她就把自己的外套給她。

3.The apple in her hand is green. 在她的手裡的蘋果是綠色的。


May I have her office phone number, please? - 可以給我她辦公室的電話嗎?

OK. I will try her back then. - 好的,我到時再試試看。

I see. May I leave her a message then? - 噢,那我可以留話給她嗎?

Please ask her to call me at 6225-9438. - 麻煩你請她打5225-9438找我。

I'll have her call you as soon as she comes back. - 等她一回來, 我就請她馬上回電。

That's nice. I'll be waiting for her call. Thank you. - 太好了,那我就等她的電話。謝謝。

I met her at Thanksgiving, - 我在感恩節與她見面

I used to be that way when I was her age. - 我像她這般年紀也是這樣。

I haven't dated any one else since her mother died. - 自從她母親去世之後 我從沒有和別人約會過。

before Michelle and her friends arrived. - 在Michelle和她的朋友們來之前。

I wish I had her energy. - 我希望我有她那樣的精力。

According to the newspaper, Sally has quit her job. - 報上說莎裡辭職不幹了。

My wife is a writer. She writes on her computer. She has published ten novels already. - 我的太太是個作家。她在計算機上寫作。她已發表了10部長篇小說。

Unbelievable. I've got to read her new book as soon as it comes out. - 真了不起。她的新書一出版我就得讀一讀。

She's been sneaking around on her husband. - 她一直在欺騙她的丈夫。

Did you know her husband has a secret lover? - 你知道她的丈夫有一個秘密情婦嗎?

What's her name? - 她叫什麼名字?

And give her a teaspoon of the medicine after every meal. - 每餐之後給她吃一茶匙的藥。

Very! Hey, she forgot her bag! - 非常! 嘿 她忘了她的旅行包!

That's a nice age. What's her name? - 正是美妙年齡。她什麼名字?

since her mother died. - 因為她媽媽去世了。

I miss her very much. - 我非常想她。

Tell her I'll call her right back. - 告訴她我會馬上給她回電話的。

I'll call her back. - 我給她回電話。

I invited her to come by for dessert. - 我邀請她來吃甜點。

I'm so sad to see this little dog without her family. - 看到這隻狗沒有家 我真難過。

Let's get her to the animal shelter, - 我們把她送到動物收容所。

so they can find her owners quickly. - 好讓他們很快找到她的主人。

I mean about her being alone. - 我是指她很孤單。

she's still alone, without her family. - 她仍是孤單單的,找不到家。

Yes. And I'm not trying to take her place. - 是的 ,我不想取代她。

We'll call Mrs. Martinelli and tell her to keep looking for us. - 我們會打電話給Martinelli太太告訴她繼續幫我們物色房子?

Oh, let her in. - 噢, 讓她進來。

She's smart and sensitive for her age. - 就這樣的年齡來說 ,她很聰明而且懂事。

There are lots of things for her here. - 這裡有許多適合她的東西。

Michelle and her friends are at the aquarium in Brooklyn. - Michelle和她的朋友們在參觀 Brooklyn的水族館。

I wish Michelle and her friends would get here. - 我希望 Michelle和她的朋友很快就到這 。

your doing this for Michelle and her friends. - 你為 Michelle和她的朋友所做的這些。

I'd like you to meet Audrey and her mother, Mrs. Cooper. - 我來向你介紹, Audrey和她母親 Cooper太太。

He must have loved her very much. - 他一定非常非常地愛她。

But her heart was with Donald. - 但她的心中想的是Donald。

so I asked her to be Mrs. Pete Waters. - 所以我請求她成為Pete Waters夫人。

I'll give her your best wishes, - 我會轉告她你的祝福,

She's just like her grandma. - 她就像她的祖母一樣。

Would you like to give her a little farewell party? - 你要不要為她舉行一個小型歡送派對?

I'd like to give her a nice going-away present. - 我很想送給她一件好的離別禮物。

I'd like to give her something nice - 我想給她一件精美的東西

Mom says we can give her a going-away surprise party. - 媽媽說我們可以給她舉行一個讓她驚喜的歡送派對。

And I'd like to get her a nice gift ... - 我還想給她一份精美禮物……

so you can drive her home after the party. - 在派對結束後送她回家。


her heart vibrates with excitement - 她的心臟因興奮而悸動

the object was a blur to her sleeping eyes - 她睡眼惺忪

her pes; herpes; rubella; syphilis - 鉅細胞性包含體病毒

her pes; herpes; syphilis; toxoplasmosis - 弓形體病

the object was a blur to her sleeping eyes - 眼前一片模糊

german measles; her pes; herpes; rubella; rubeola; syphilis - 風疹


n.她睡眼惺忪,眼前一片模糊 - the object was a blur to her sleeping eyes


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