accumulativelyadv. 累積地
accumulatively 累積地;accumulatively compounded motor 積復勵電動機;accumulatively realizing trade surplus 累計實現順差;
1."One-batch-one-license" means the same Import License shall not be used for clearance for several times accumulatively. 「一批一證」是指同一份《進口許可證》不得分批次累計報關使用。
2.There were 122 institutions involved in the certification of product quality and systems, which accumulatively certified products from 46, 000 enterprises. 全國現有產品質量、體系認證機構122個,已累計完成對4。6萬個企業的產品認證。
3.11 varieties, 3 types of bamboo and rattan products are divided, in 2002, 314 million USD was accumulatively created, and exported to 122 countries and regions of 5 continents. 竹籐產品分為三大類11個品種,2002年累計出口創匯3。14億美元,出口至世界五大洲的122個國家和地區。