near-silk 絲光襯裡棉布;
1.near the mouth of raw materials used in Taiwan polyamide nylon silk, high-strength monofilament. 近口原料採用台灣耐隆錦綸絲、高強單絲。
2.Shunxing of silk-screen LTD locates near the centre of Liao Bu town in DongGuan city, just one mile away from Guan Zhang Road. 順興絲印有限公司地處東莞市寮步鎮中心附近,離莞樟路僅一公里。
3.The journey along The Silk Road takes us through rugged, near-impassable mountains and then out into the vastness at the edge of the Gobi desert. 之後我們穿越絲綢之路上崎嶇不平甚至是幾乎不可能通過的雪山,來到了廣闊的戈壁沙漠的邊緣。