phonemic[fəu'ni:mik]adj. 音位的;音素的
phonemic 音素的;音位的;有辨義作用的;音素學的;phonemic analysis 因素分析;音位分析;phonemic transcription 音位標音(法);音位記音;音位標音;音位轉寫;phonemic system 音位系統;phonemic spelling 音位拼字法;
1.Speech intelligibility and chronology of phonemic contrast were indicated as a function of age in Putonghua-speaking children. 研究結果表明,年齡是影響講普通話兒童的言語清晰度和音位對比發展順序的因素。
2.Patients with BA and TCMA manifested tonic and phonemic disturbances, disturbances in understanding of functional words and passive sentences. BA及TCMA均有音位及聲調障礙,功能詞完成差,實質詞正常,主動句正常,被動句理解障礙;
3.It's suggested that even before children master the phonemic contrasts of their language, they begin to develop the articulatory movements needed to produce these distinctions in speech. 兒童在掌握其語言的音位對立之前,就已經開始了這些相對的音所需要的發音實踐。