pleurae['plurə-i:]n. 胸膜;肋膜(pleura的複數)
pleurae 肋膜;cupula pleurae 胸膜頂;cupulae pleurae 胸膜頂;pleura-pleurae 胸膜;adhesion of pleurae 胸膜粘連;
1.The pleurae are serous membranes, which mean they secrete a lubricating fluid, called serous fluid. 胸膜為漿膜,這意味著它們可以分泌潤滑液體,即漿液。
2.Methods 45 cases of pleural effusion were examined by thoracoscopy, biopsy took place in the abnormal pleurae under thoracoscopy. 方法45例胸腔積液行胸腔鏡檢查,直視下取病變組織行病理檢查。
3.It is because of the proximity of the pleurae to the lung that many people mistakenly think of pleural mesothelioma as a form of lung cancer. 因為胸膜接近於肺,大多數人誤認為胸膜間皮瘤是肺癌的一種形式。
胸膜腔 - cavum pleurae
胸膜頂 - cupula pleurae
膿胸 - empyema pleurae
n.胸膜肥厚 - pachynsis pleurae
n.胸膜縱隔部 - pars mediastinalis pleurae
n.胸膜脂襞 - plicae adiposae pleurae