unobservableadj. 難以察覺的;注意不到的;不可見的
unobservable 不可觀測;未觀察到的;不可見的;不可觀測 未觀察到的;unobservable culture 不可觀察的文化;unobservable random variable 不可觀測的隨機變量;a seat at an unobservable corner 極邊極角的座位;
1.Therefore, at a faculty meeting, I always chose a seat at an unobservable corner of the room. 因此在開教授會的時候,我總是挑個極邊極角的座位,惶恐地縮在一旁。
2.The paper derives the quantitative relation to maximum admitted width of the light source used when unobservable circumstance on the screen appears. 推導出了屏上不可觀測的情況出現時所用光源的最大允許寬度。
3.Yet the borderline between physics and metaphysics is defined by whether a theory is experimentally testable, not by whether it is weird or involves unobservable entities. 可是物理學與形上學的界線,並不在於它是否怪異,或是含有觀測不到的物體,而是看它是否能用實驗來測試。