FLIRabbr. 前視紅外雷達(Forward Looking Infrared Radar);前視紅外(Forward Looking Infra-Red)
FLIR 前視紅外;前視紅外線;前視紅外系統;前視紅外儀;Flir Systems 系統公司;FLIR Forward Looking Infrared 前視紅外線;flir console installation 前視紅外線探測系統;前視紅外線探測系統 交通;FLIR Forward Looking Infra-red Detection 前視紅外線探測;
1.With HMD, pilots can view the FLIR imagery in its true location, thereby greatly enhancing their awareness of the immediate environment. 使用頭盔內嵌顯示器,飛行員可以看到真實位置上FLIR圖像,因此極大增強了他們的霎時環境感知能力。
2.CACI will provide engineering, logistics and business operations support for the development, manufacture and sustainment of FLIR systems. CACI將為FLIR系統的開發、生產和維持提供工程、後勤和商業運作方面的支持。
3.New and completely different environment, new simulation features like FLIR, mounted flashlights, HUDs for airplanes and helicopter and even more. 新的和完全不同的環境,新的模擬包括熱成像儀,戰術電筒,飛機和直升機的抬頭顯示器,以及其他的一些。