minosn. 邁諾斯(希臘神話中克里特島的王, 死後做陰間的法官)
Minos 米諾斯;彌諾斯;邁諾斯;邁諾斯王;Gryphon Minos 天貴星 米諾斯;Minos Kyriakou 科爾雅科;基裡亞庫;Minos pattern recognition machine 米諾斯圖型識別機;Talos giant protector of Minos island 男性英文名字 希臘;
1.Meanwhile, Minos had raised a considerable fleet, and set out in search of Deadalus. 與此同時,彌諾斯組建了一支龐大的船隊,外出搜尋代達羅斯。
2.Daedalus took refuge in Gretan Cnossus, where King Minos delighted to welcome so skilled a craftsman . 代達羅斯在克里特島的克諾索斯避難。彌諾斯國王極為樂意地接納了這位多才多藝的工匠。
3.(Greek mythology) an Athenian inventor who built the Labyrinth of Minos; to escape the Labyrinth he fashioned wings for himself and his sone Icarus. (希臘神話)修建邁諾斯迷宮的雅典發明家;為逃出迷宮為他自己和他兒子伊卡洛斯裝上翅膀。