v. deflate
puncture['pʌŋktʃə]vt. 刺穿;揭穿;削弱vi. 被刺穿;被戳破n. 穿刺;刺痕
puncture 戳孔;穿刺;刺傷;穿剌;puncture test 穿擊試驗;嘩試驗;刺破試驗;擊穿試驗;cisternal puncture 小腦延髓池穿刺;小腦延髓池穿刺 健康名言:不要用珍寶裝飾自己,而要用健康武裝身體。 --歐洲諺語;spinal puncture 脊椎穿剌;釋義:昆克(氏)穿刺:腰椎穿刺法;腰椎穿刺,椎管穿刺;ionization puncture 電離擊穿;
1.He was taken to hospital with a punctured lung. 他因肺部被刺破而送進醫院。
2.Does plaque low need do medullary puncture? ? 血小板低需要做骨髓穿刺嗎??
3.Conclusion: The application of the new puncture will evidently increase successful rate and reduce the pain in aged patients. 結論:新的穿刺方法的應用,將大大提高了穿刺的成功率,減輕了老年患者的痛苦。
puncture and irrigation of maxillary sinus - 上頜竇穿剌沖洗法
maxillary sinus puncture needle - 上頜竇穿剌針
puncture transducer with center channel - 中孔型穿刺用探頭
nygma; puncture wound; stab; stab wound; stabwound - 刺傷
insert; penetrate; puncture; puncture or insertor penetrate - 刺入
puncture cauterization - 刺烙術
puncture of anterior fontanel - 前囟穿刺
puncture trocar - 套針
horizontal insertion; horizontal needling; puncture horizontally - 平刺
spring puncture needle - 彈簧采血針
inserting the needle; pncture; puncture or inserting the needle; style - 扎針
drainage; drainage of pus; evacuating pus; evacuation of pus; promoting pus discharge; puncture the pus - 排膿
shallow puncture with cupping - 淺刺拔罐法
puncture fluid of serous cavity - 漿膜腔穿刺液
puncture and aspiration of lymph node for biopsy - 淋巴結穿刺吸取活組織檢查
puncture with heated needle - 燒針法
exploratory puncture of orbit - 眶穿刺探查術
puncture and irrigation - 穿刺沖洗法
puncture reaction - 穿刺反應
puncture outfit - 穿刺器
puncture diabetes - 穿刺性糖尿病
puncture fluid - 穿刺液
puncture diabetes - 穿刺糖尿
puncture needle - 穿刺針
puncture fracture - 穿刺骨折
tuberculin multiple puncture test - 結核菌素多刺法試驗
thorax puncture outfit - 胸腔穿刺器
pneumothorax puncture needle - 胸腔穿刺針
puncture of brain abscess - 腦膿腫穿刺術
puncture headache - 腰椎穿刺後頭痛
lumbar puncture outfit - 腰椎穿刺器
lumbar puncture instrument kit - 腰椎穿刺器械包
lumbar puncture needle; spinal puncture - 腰椎穿刺針
puncture of bladder - 膀胱穿破
blood taking needle; puncture needle - 采血針
carotid puncture needle - 頸動脈穿刺針
carotid puncture needle for angiography - 頸動脈造影穿刺針
puncture of frontal angle - 額角穿刺
marrow puncture needle - 骨髓穿刺釷
puncture of nasal sinuses - 鼻竇穿刺術
n.伯納爾氏穿刺 - benards puncture
n.刺絡 - blood-letting puncture
n.骨髓穿刺術 - bone marrow puncture
n.頸動脈穿刺針 - carotid puncture needle
n.頸動脈造影穿刺針 - carotid puncture needle for angiography
n.小腦延髓池穿刺 - cisternal puncture
n.絡刺 - collateral puncture
n.分刺 - crack puncture
n.伯納爾氏穿刺 - diabetic puncture
n.診斷性穿刺 - diagnostic puncture
n.硬脊膜外腔穿刺術 - epidural puncture
n.馬方氏法 - epigastric puncture
試驗穿刺,探查穿刺 - exploratory puncture
n.眶穿刺探查術 - exploratory puncture of orbit
n.半刺 - extremely shallow puncture
n.股靜脈穿刺 - femoral venous puncture
n.前額竇穿刺術 - frontal sinus puncture
n.膽囊穿刺術 - gallbladder puncture
n.心穿刺術 - heart puncture
n.頸內靜脈穿刺 - internal jugular vein puncture
n.關刺 - joint puncture
n.頸靜脈穿刺 - jugular puncture
n.肝穿刺 - liver puncture
n.腰椎穿刺術 - lumbar puncture
腰椎穿刺後頭痛 - lumbar puncture headache
n.腰椎穿刺器械包 - lumbar puncture instrument kit
n.腰椎穿刺針 - lumbar puncture needle
n.腰椎穿刺器 - lumbar puncture outfit
n.淋巴結穿刺 - lymph node puncture
n.骨髓穿刺釷 - marrow puncture needle
n.上頜竇穿剌針 - maxillary sinus puncture needle
針穿刺 - needle puncture
n.穿刺點 - point of puncture
n.胸腔穿刺針 - pneumothorax puncture needle
n.贊刺 - repeated shallow puncture
n.鞏膜穿通術 - sclerotic puncture
n.淺刺 - shallow puncture
n.淺刺拔罐法 - shallow puncture with cupping
n.穿刺部位 - site of puncture
n.腰椎穿刺針,椎管穿刺 - spinal puncture
n.脾穿刺 - splenic puncture
n.彈簧采血針 - spring puncture needle
胸骨穿刺,胸骨髓穿刺 - sternal puncture
n.鎖骨下靜脈穿刺 - subclavian vein puncture
n.枕骨下腦池穿刺術 - suboccipital cisternal puncture
枕骨下穿刺,小腦延髓池穿刺 - suboccipital puncture
糖穿刺 - sugar puncture
n.浮刺 - superficial puncture
n.脊椎穿刺 - thecal puncture
n.治療性穿刺 - therapeutic puncture