debt repayment 償還借款;償還債務;償債;還債;Repayment Guarantee 還款保證書;還款保函;還款保證書,還款擔保,還款包涵;還款保證書,退款擔保,退款保函;repayment triggered by overages 過多還款界限;reimburse reimbursement repayment 付還;repayment 償付;償還;還款,償還;退還稅款;
1.Subsidy policy fails to carry out smoothly owing to student loan repayment default risk, of which repayment procrastination is the common problem. 學生貸款的償還違約風險問題一直是阻礙資助政策順利運行的關鍵,其中學生還款拖欠是各國面臨的共同難題。
2.Incremental repayment or reduction of the repayment is pushing operations of the two banks, but seldom so clearly directed at a certain age class. 而遞增還款或者遞減還款是目前銀行推業務時的兩種方式,但很少如此明確地針對某一個年齡階層。
3.Bank industry indicated that the matching law for the repayment of principal proceeds of small banks, it is only exercising, Dr. OK, a few banks offer such repayment. 銀行業內人士表示,由於等額本金還款法對於銀行的收益小,因此目前只有中行、招行等少數幾家銀行推出了這種還款方式。
4.No active capital market and the single channel of financing and repayment are the main reasons for the high debt risk and the trend for distribution of high dividends. 資本市場的不活躍、融資、還款渠道的單一是引起債務風險、高額分紅傾向的主要原因。
5.Collateral, such as property or investments, secures the repayment of traditional loans. 抵押品,諸如財產,投資金等,保證了傳統貸款的償還。
he is lending the bank money, repayment of which he may demand at any time, - 就等於把錢借給了銀行。這筆錢他可以隨時提取,