single-mindednessn. 專心;忠貞
single-mindedness 忠貞;一心;allegiance fealty loyalty single-mindedness 忠貞;
1.He sensed something cool but determined in the ship's slightly sour air, a single-mindedness at work he had not experienced since Tiresia. 從飛船內部稍稍混濁的空氣中,他察覺到某種冷靜而堅定的東西,一種堅定工作的意志,一種自從離開泰雷西亞以後就沒有經歷的意志。
2.The terse greetings show the infinite concern from the chairman and also the single-mindedness of the soldiers to the duty, as well as their devotion to people. 就這簡單的問候,表達了主席對士兵的無限關懷,體現了士兵對職責的忠誠,對人民的熱愛。
3.I think this is repeated in history – that the very characteristics which can put people in power – a single-mindedness, a confidence – that after time those qualities turn into intransigence. 我想在歷史上這種情形一定會重複出現,因為這是典型的可以讓人說話很有份量的方式,這種專注、自信的性格特點會讓撒切爾夫人始終保持永不妥協,永不退讓的強勢地位。