





SO['səu, ॼౠsə]adv. 如此,這麼;確是如此conj. 所以;因此pron. 這樣


so 索馬裡;那麼,那,所以;因此;所以;so that 以便,為使;所以,因此;結果是;以便;so dim (大腦)渾沌;(大腦)渾;and so 同樣;所以,因此;因此;所以;so so 一般;馬馬虎虎!;索馬裡?;一般般;


1.So we pay it in the form of higher taxes and higher price on the goods we buy. 因此我們是以交納更多的稅和用更高的價格購買商品的形式支付這筆錢。

2.Or, even if you quite before, but people do not know anything, so they require you to presents. 或者說,即使你很有才,可是別人什麼都不知道,所以這些都需要你去呈現了。

3.From a testing perspective, the waterfall model offers one huge advantage over the other models presented so far. 測試界有這麼一種觀點,「瀑布模型」相對於現今其它的模型有著巨大的優勢。


Will you be so kind as to help me out of the difficulty? - 幫助我克服困難,好嗎?

What made you change your job so frequently? - 為什麼你經常轉工?

Why were you out of work for so long? - 你為何這麼久沒有工作?

I manage my time perfectly so that I can always get things done on time. - 我很會利用時間,因此總能準時完成工作。

And these coral earrings for my daughter are so pretty. - 還有給我女兒的珊瑚耳環也非常漂亮。

How has your visit to Shanghai been so far? - 目前你對上海的印象如何?有何收穫?

Nets for tennis and badminton and so on. - 有網球和羽毛球用的網等等。

Thank you very much. So we can put our minds at ease. - 非常感謝,這樣我們就放心了。

It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mrs. Green. I've heard so much about you. - 格林太太,我也很高興見到您。早就聽說過您。

I'm sorry you have to leave so soon. - 很遺憾你不能多呆會兒。

I see, it's not easy to marry and start a family. So when's the wedding? - 我明白,要組織一個家庭並不容易。那麼婚禮訂在哪天舉行?

Thank you so much for coming. Have a safe drive home. - 謝謝你的光臨。小心駕車回家。

since this is so easy .... - 既然那麼簡單……

There's so many things to talk about. - 有許多事情需要討論。

Oh, it's so beautiful, Marilyn! - 噢, 它好漂亮 Marilyn

Oh, I'm so excited! - 噢, 我真是太興奮了!

What's so special about him? - 他有什麼特別的呢?

Well, there are Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-autumn Festival, Chung Yeung Festival and so on. - 嗯,還有端午節、中秋節、重陽節等等。

Oh, this is amazing! How can you people handle so many festivals? - 哇,不是吧!你們怎麼可能應付這麼多的節日?

Because it's also known now as Youth Day. So you see- - 因為這個節日還被稱為是青年節,所以你明白了-

What are you so upset about? - 什麼使你如此難過?

Hello, I'm glad to meet you. I've heard so much about you. - 你好, 很高興見到你。 久仰, 久仰。

I'm so in love with you. - 我是如此愛你。

I'm a workaholic, so for me vacations are very boring. - 我是個工作狂!度假對我來說太無聊了!

The bride's wedding gown is so beautiful. - 新娘的婚紗太漂亮了。

I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse. - 我餓得能吃下一匹馬!

I'm so tired, I have to take a nap when I get home. - 我太累了,回到家後一定要睡上一會兒。

Am I older than you? You look so young. - 我比你老嗎?你看起來非常年輕?

How do you stay so young-looking? - 你怎樣保持如此年輕的?

Today I'm so happy; I found a new boyfriend. - 今天我很高興,我又找了個新男朋友。

I haven't got anything to do now; I'm so bored. - 我現在無事可做,感覺很無聊。

She would be pretty if she wasn't so fat. - 她要是不那麼胖,還挺漂亮的呢。

I'm a senior here, so let me know if I can help you with anything. - 我是大四的老生,有什麼能幫忙的儘管說一聲。

I like to study in the library because it's so quiet. - 我喜歡在圖書館學習因為那兒很安靜。

I'm paying lots of money for you, so you'd better do well. - 我為你花了那麼多錢,所以你要好好幹。

I had a big breakfast, so I think I'll skip lunch today. - 我吃了一頓豐盛的早餐,所以打算不吃午飯了。

I'm sorry I'm so late. - 對不起 我遲到了這麼久。

I'm so glad you found the bag and took the time and trouble to return it. - 我很高興你發現了旅行袋而且不怕麻煩花時間將它送來。

Of course. I'm so sorry for Michelle. - 當然。我為Michelle擔心。

To apologize for leaving so early,I brought you a little gift. - 為了表示我對提早走掉的歉意,我給你帶了一件小禮物。

She is sleeping here so she won't have to travel from Riverdale in the morning. - 她晚上住在這兒,免得早上從Riverdale趕過來。

I am so excited! - 我感到好興奮。

It was so nice meeting you, Mr. Stewart. - 很高興遇見你, Stewart先生。

And don't be so independent. - 不要再堅持獨立個性了。

I'm not so young anymore. - 我不再那麼年輕了。

Thank you so much. - 太感謝你了。

Oh, Grandpa, I'm so happy to see you! - 啊, 爺爺! 見到您我真高興。

Oh, you look so beautiful, Susan. My granddaughter. - 啊 ,真漂亮 ,Susan 我的好孫女。

I am exhausted. My new exercise class is so hard. - 我太累了。我那新的健身班太難了。

Cooking dinner for the entire family is not so easy. - 給全家人做晚餐真不是件容易的事。


hamate; hamate bone; so hamatum; uncifirm; uncifrom bone - 鉤骨

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