Fiji Xerox 富士日洛克斯;FUJI XEROX 富士施樂;富士施樂(文件系統等);日商富士日洛克斯;XNS Xerox Network Services 施樂公司的網絡業務;XNS Xerox Network Standard 施樂公司的網絡標準;XNS Xerox Network System 施樂公司的網絡系統;
1.You can Xerox the article you want. 你可以複印你要的那篇文章。
2.This time, my little son said, "Granduncle, can you write down what you said and I can xerox it." 這次我的小兒子說道:「舅公,你可不可以把你要說的寫下來,這樣我就可以複印了。」
3.If we have an instant printing here, and I wanted to produce this little handout, I would simply have typed it, I would have put it into a xerox machine. 如果我們這裡有個方便的打印機,並且我要打印這小小的新聞稿,我只需簡單地打印出來,然後將它放到施樂牌複印機裡。
4.Hypothecation contract signed between the hypothecating shareholder and the hypothecatee (1 Xerox); 2出質股東與質權人簽訂的質押合同(複印件1份);
5.Can I get a xerox of some material on microfilm? 我可以複印縮微膠片上的上些資料嗎?