objecting['ɔbdʒikt, -dʒekt, əb'dʒekt]n. 目標;物體;客體;賓語vt. 提出…作為反對的理由vi. 反對;拒絕
objecting 反對;objecting signatory 反對簽字國;Research on an aggregate production planning model of the vestee enterprises objecting to volume flexibility 上一篇論文: 面向產能柔性的裝飾布企業綜合生產計劃模型研究;
1.I will not wear this dress if you object to it. 如果你不喜歡這件衣服,那我就不再穿它了。
2.Objecting from the other side are people who say that Irving policemen should not be asked to shoulder a federal task. 另一邊的反對人士表示阿靈頓警方不應當被要求承擔聯邦政府份內的任務。
3.Law A method of objecting that admits the facts of the opponent's argument but denies that they sustain the pleading based upon them. 一種表示反對的方法即:同意對方論據中的事實,但是否定對方基於這些事實的辯護。