backplate['bæk,pleit]n. 背面電極;後金屬板;背面板
backplate 背面板;(拉手)後金屬板;後板;背蓋;backplate porosity 背板開孔率;backplate assembly 後擋[護]板總成;backplate bolt 後擋板螺栓;rivet-backplate 鉚釘墊圈;
1.The thumb ferrule is set outside the ferrule of index finger on the backplate with steel wires. 拇指套圈通過鋼絲安裝在掌背護板的食指套圈外側;
2.You can adjust turns tension by tightening the inside stop nut on the rotor shaft against the backplate to provide a more pleasing tension. 你能通過擰緊動片軸上對著後端板的內防松螺母來調整旋轉緊張力以提供一更令人滿意的緊張力。
3.When the excavator is working, the drilling machine can withdraw from backplate of cutting section to the back of the excavator, thus it greatly saves the space of drilling. 掘進機工作時,鑽探機構可以後退收縮,從截割部護板退回到掘進機本體後部,最大程度地降低鑽探機構的空間尺寸。