xpabbr. 加快費已付(Express Paid);運用優先權(Exercise Priority)
XP 極限編程;插頭;操作系統;辦公軟件應用;XP Home 家庭版;筆記本;正版操作系統;Win XP 操作系統;我的電腦;筆記本;我使用的軟件;Office XP 辦公軟件應用基礎教程;辦公軟件;辦公自動化;應用軟件;Brixout XP 魔法磚塊敲遍天;魔法磚塊;
1.An XP team keeps the design exactly suited for the current functionality of the system. 一個XP團隊保持著設計總是剛好適合系統當前的功能要求。
2.XP teams follow a common coding standard, so that all the code in the system looks as if it was written by a single -- very competent -- individual. XP團隊遵循一個公共的編碼標準,因此系統中所有的代碼看上去都像出自單獨一個——非常有能力的——人之手。
3.Looking at XP through CMM eyes, especially if XP were being done throughout an entire large organization, we would expect that more measurement might be needed than we require in a single project. 通過CMM的觀點看XP,尤其是如果一個完整的大的組織採用XP,我們認為它需要的度量的指標可能比在單一一個項目中要求的更多。