heroicsn. 誇張的言行;裝腔作勢的豪言壯語
heroics 裝腔作勢的演說或行為;go into heroics 過於誇張;Competent people and heroics 能人高手和英雄行為;Hancock's So-Called Heroics 呼叫全民超人;
1.Vito Mannone could quite easily be keeping goal in the Championship this season instead of performing heroics for Arsenal. 曼諾內已為阿森納貢獻了多場精彩表演,但這個賽季他原本可能被租借到英冠去把守球門。
2.Does Emmanuel Adebayor come in or does he stay with Jeremie Aliadiere and Julio Baptista who have performed heroics to get them to the final? 阿德巴約會不會出現在首發陣容當中?還是他會和之前將球隊帶入決賽的英雄阿里亞跌雷和巴普蒂斯塔聯決鋒線?
3.Javier Mascherano is hopeful the Reds can replicate their Real Madrid heroics in the Barclays Premier League against Manchester United on Saturday. 哈維爾馬斯切拉諾希望紅軍在週六同曼聯的比賽中能夠複製皇馬一戰中的精彩表現。