ingate['inɡeit]n. 入口孔,馬頭門;內澆口;輸入門
ingate 進模口;入口孔;澆口;內澆道;triangular ingate 三角形進模口;
1.Improvement of the running system is proposed by the further tests of water simulation, that is, adjusts the ingate installation to decrease the trapped blowholes. 水力模擬的進一步試驗,提出了改進原澆注工藝的措施,改變內澆道設置以獲得較好的充型效果,從而達到減少捲入性氣孔的目的。
2.Through rationally designing ingate /riser system and effectively using the lunkerite proportion, shrinkage hole and low production yield were eliminated effectively. 縮孔和鋼水利用率偏低是目前精鑄行業普遍存在和急需解決的問題。
3.The experimental results point that the actual head on ingate and the velocity of ingate are determined by both the total static head and the cros-sectional area ratio of sprue to ingate. 試驗結果指出:澆注系統內澆口實際作用壓頭和出流速度不僅取決於總壓頭,還取決於直澆道對內澆口的截面比。