





n. acerbity ,acrimony ,bitterness ,icterus


jaundice['dʒɔ:ndis]n. [病理]黃疸;偏見;乖僻vt. 使懷偏見;使患黃疸


jaundice 黃疸;妒忌;嬰兒黃疸;黃疸病;physiologic jaundice 生理性黃疸;Physiological jaundice 生理性黃疸;hepatic jaundice 肝性黃疸;Pathologic jaundice 病理性黃疸;


1.Her social position jaundiced his view of things. 她的社會地位使她對事情有偏見。

2.Impaired bile flow, or cholestasis, commonly known as jaundice, can lead to severe liver disease. 膽汁流出障礙、膽汁淤積,通常叫做黃疸,可導致嚴重的肝臟疾病。

3.Objective To estimate the differential diagnosis value of Color Doppler Ultrasound to obstructive jaundice. 目的探討彩色多普勒超聲對梗阻性黃疸的鑒別診斷價值。


recurrent jaundice of pregnancy - 復發性妊娠期黃疸

jaundce due to sexual intemperance; jaundice due to sexual intemperance - 女勞疸

recurrent jaundice of pregnancy - 妊娠期復發性黃疸

physiological jaundice of newborn - 新生兒生理性黃疸

icterus neonatorum; jaundice of newborn; neonatal jaundice - 新生兒黃疸

jaundice due to damp-heat pathogen - 濕熱黃疸

jaundice due to immoderate drinking - 灸疸

jaundice due to fright or traumatic injury - 膽黃

jaundice due to accumulation of stagnant blood - 蓄血發黃

jaundice due to immlderate eating; jaundice due to mmoderate eating - 谷疸

alcoholic jaundice; jaundice due to immoderate drinking - 酒疸


n.無膽色素尿性黃疸 - acholuric jaundice

n.急性發熱性黃疸 - acute febrile jaundice

n.急性發熱性黃疸 - acute infectious jaundice

n.酒疸 - alcoholic jaundice

n.黑疸 - blackish jaundice

n.青紫色黃疸,發紺 - blue jaundice

n.巴德氏黃疸 - budds jaundice

卡它性黃疸 - catarrhal jaundice

n.膽汁淤滯性黃疸,膽汁鬱積性黃疸 - cholestatic jaundice

n.慢性遺傳性溶血性黃疸 - chronic familial acholuric jaundice

n.慢性特發性黃疸 - chronic idiopathic jaundice

n.慢性間歇性幼年性黃疸 - chronic intermittent juvenile jaundice

n.巴-皮二氏綜合征 - chronic progrecsive jaundice

n.先天性家庭非溶血性黃疸 - congenital familial nonhemolytic jaundice

先天性溶血性黃疸 - congenital hemolytic jaundice

n.先天性黃疸 - congenital jaundice

n.先天性非溶血性黃疸 - congenital nonhemolytic jaundice

體質性黃疸 - constitutional jaundice

n.分離性黃疸 - dissociated jaundice

n.藥物性黃疸 - drug-induced jaundice

n.藥物性黃疸 - drug jaundice

n.分離性黃疸 - dssociation jaundice

n.動力性黃疸 - dynamic jaundice

n.內生性黃疸 - endogenous jaundice

n.包特金氏病 - epidemic jaundice

n.肝外膽汁淤滯性黃疸,肝外阻塞性黃疸 - extrahepatic cholestatic jaundice

肝外閉塞性黃疸 - extrahepatic obstructive jaundice

n.家族性無膽色素尿性黃疸 - familial acholuric jaundice

n.吉耳克氏病 - familial non-gemolytic jaundice

n.家族非溶血性黃疸 - familial non-hemolytic jaundice

n.吉爾伯特氏病 - familial nonhemolytic jaundice

n.發熱性黃疸 - febrile jaundice

n.胎黃 - fetal jaundice

n.五疸 - five types of jaundice

n.瘟黃 - fulminant jaundice

n.綠色黃疸 - green jaundice

n.尿膽素性黃疸 - hemapheic jaundice

n.溶血性黃疸 - hemolytic jaundice

新生兒溶血性黃疸 - hemolytic jaundice of newborn

n.肝實質性黃疸,肝細胞黃疸 - hepatocellular jaundice

出血性黃疽,出血性黃疸 - hemorrhagic jaundice

n.肝性黃疸 - hepatic jaundice

n.肝原性黃疸 - hepatogenic jaundice

n.肝原性黃疸 - hepatogenous jaundice

n.同種血清性黃疸 - homologous serum jaundice

n.醫原性黃疸 - iatrogenic jaundice

n.特發性黃疸 - idiopathic jaundice

n.包特金氏病,傳染性黃疸 - infectious jaundice

n.肝內膽小管梗阻性黃疸 - intrahepatic cholestatic jaundice

肝內閉塞性黃疸 - intrahepatic obstructive jaundice

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