avpabbr. 助理副總裁(Assistant Vice President);卡巴斯基個人反病毒軟件(Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal);高級視頻產品(Advanced Video Product);實際值利潤(Actual Value Price)
AVP 卡巴斯基;精氨酸加壓素;血管加壓素;加壓素;AVP AdvancedVideoProducts 高級視頻產品;HD AVP 高清音視頻處理器;vasopressin AVP 又稱血管升壓素;avp marketing 公司:;
1.Methods: The hypoxia was simulated in hypobaric cabin. The content of AVP and CRF was assayed by RIA method. 方法:在低壓氧艙中模擬高海拔低氧,用放免法測定精氨酸加壓素(AVP)和下丘腦促腎上腺皮質激素釋放激素(CRF)含量。
2.RESULTS: Infusion of EGTA evoked an increase in colonic temperature (P<0. 01), while the content of AVP decreased (P<0. 05). 結果:EGTA引起明顯的發熱反應(P<0。01),同時降低腦腹中隔AVP含量(P<0。05)。
3.Result: Somatostatin (SS), arginine vasopressin hormone (AVP) had a higher expression in the experimental group than those in the control group. 結果:服藥組海馬生長抑素(SS)、精氨酸加壓素(AVP)在各部表達增強;