rapider['ræpid]adj.rapid的變形adj. 迅速的,快的;急促的(斜坡等)陡的【攝影術】快速的n. [通常為複數] 急流;湍灘高速交通工具;高速交通網近義詞: fast短語: run (或shoot) the rapids(船舶等)迅速通過激流冒險從事變形: rapider , rapidest
1.Compared to common dynamic programming methods, IMW is rapider, and can gets better results when dealing with outdoor stereo pairs. 相對於動態規划算法,IMW算法更為快速,而且應用於室外圖像能獲得更好的效果;
2.The telephone makes things easy in many ways. Especially, after the mobile telephone appears, communication becomes easier and rapider. 電話在許多方面使事情變得簡單,尤其是在移動電話出現以後,通訊變得更加快捷方便。
3.Also, MZRP modifies the limit of route length based on the node density, and results in rapider convergence during route query and maintenance in IERP. 同時,根據節點密度調整了路徑長度限制,使得區域間的路由查詢和路由維護能夠更快的收斂。