RMSabbr. 鐵路郵政(Railway Mail Service);皇家郵政(Royal Mail Service);[數]均方根(值)(Root-Mean-Square);記錄管理服務(Record Management Services)
RMS 輸出功率;均方根;功率;有效值;RMS Lusitania 盧西塔尼亞號;TURE RMS 真均方根值;rms voltage 電壓有效值;均方根電壓;Lo RMS 振動速度有效值;
1.It is proved by computer simulation that the rms error of this new arithmetic is just almost 1/5 of that using the mean arithmetic. 通過計算機模擬計算,表明新算法的微波相位差測量結果的均方根誤差,近似只有平均算法的1/5。
2.Multiple scattering from two-dimensional rough surface with large surface root mean square(RMS) slope is studied with Kirchhoff approximation. 利用基爾霍夫近似研究了表面均方根斜率較大的二維粗糙面的多次散射問題。
3.For a transformer type ballast, the voltage value to be applied from this table is the rms voltage rating of the capacitor as specified on the ballast. 對於一個變壓器型的(傳統)鎮流器,本表中所列出的電壓值是鎮流器上標注的電容器的額定電壓有效值。