selflessness 無私;忘我;無私,忘我;無己;two forms of selflessness 二無我;The Spirit of Selflessness 無私的精神;Egolessness of selflessness of person pudgalanairatmya 人無我;wisdom of the two kinds of selflessness 二無我智;
1.Selfishness is the antipode of selflessness. 自私恰恰是無私之反。
2.Fearlessness stems from selflessness. 無私故能無畏。
3.It is the kindness to take in a stranger when the levees break, the selflessness of workers who would rather cut their hours than see a friend lose their job which sees us through our darkest hours. 我們民族可依賴的,正是那在大壩決堤時去營救陌生人的善良之心,和眼看同事要失業,寧願減少自己的工時以保留同事工作的無私精神伴隨我們度過了困難時期。
4.The basic contents of this secular meaning are made up of theories of ecology such as view of integration, of selflessness, of life, of mercifulness and of clean land. 它的基本內容包括在佛教緣起論基礎上所形成的整體論、無我論、生命觀、慈悲觀、淨土觀等生態理論。
5.The beauty of a boy's heart lies in puerility, a girl in flawless, a man with will in selflessness, a warrior in fearlessness. 稚子之心,美在無邪;少女之心,美在無暇;志士之心,美在無私;壯士之心,美在無畏。