





cochlearadj. 耳蝸的


cochlear 蝸狀物的;迷路;耳蝸的;耳蝸;Cochlear Implantation 耳蝸植入術;耳蝸植入;耳蝸移植;釋義:耳蝸植入術,耳蝸(電極)埋植法;cochlear nerve 耳蝸神經;蝸神經;cochlear deafness 耳蝸性聾;cochlear ganglion 蝸神經節(螺旋神經節);(耳)蝸神經節;釋義:(耳)蝸神經節,蝸螺旋神經節;


1.Objective To investigate the effect of contralateral hearing aid on performance of cochlear implant user. 目的探討人工耳蝸植入者對側耳佩戴助聽器的意義和作用。

2.Further, transplanted cells that migrated to the damaged area of the inner ear displayed shape similar to that of cochlear fibrocytes. 進一步,遷移至內耳受損區域的移植干細胞表現出與耳蝸纖維細胞相似的形狀。

3.Methods We reviewed the diagnosis and treatment of 3 prelinguistic deaf patients with encephalic disease, all the patients had been received a cochlear implant. 方法總結在我院發現的3例伴有顱內疾病的語前聾病人,3例都已經實施了人工耳蝸植入術。


cochlear portion of vestibulo-cochlear nerve - 前庭蝸神經蝸部

acoustic hair cell; cochlear hair cell - 聽毛細胞

aural microphonics; cochlear microphonic effect - 耳蝸微音效應

cochlear microphonic potential; cochlear microphonice - 耳蝸微音電位

cochlear otosclerosis - 耳蝸性耳硬化症

cochlear deafness - 耳蝸性聾

cochlear hair cell - 耳蝸毛細胞

cochlear nerve lesion - 耳蝸神經損害

cochlear duct; ductus cochlearis - 耳蝸管

cochlear duct membrane - 耳蝸管膜

cochlear duct membrane - 耳蝸覆膜

cochlear recess; recessus cochlearis - 耳蝸隱窩

area cochleae; cochlear area - 蝸區

basis cochleae; cochlear base - 蝸底

arteria cochlearis communis; common cochlear artery - 蝸總動脈

cochlear branch; ramus cochlearis - 蝸支

apertura interna aqueductus occhleae; internal orifice of cochlear aqueduct - 蝸水管內口

apertura externa aqueductus cochleae; external aperture of cochlear aqueduct - 蝸水管外口

vein of cochlear aqueduct; vena aqueductus cochleae - 蝸水管靜脈

articulatio cochlearis; cochlear joint - 蝸狀關節

fossula fenestrae cohchleae; fossula of cochlear sindow - 蝸窗小窩

cochlear duct; ductus cochlearis - 蝸管

paries vestibularis ductus崑cochlearis; vestibular wall of cochlear duct - 蝸管前庭壁

cochlear dysplastic deafness - 蝸管發育不全性聾

cochlear axis; modiolus - 蝸軸

lamina modioli; lamina of cochlear axis - 蝸軸板

base of cochlear axis; basis modioli - 蝸軸螺旋管

cochlear part; pars cochlearis - 蝸部

cochlear recess; recessus cochlearis - 蝸隱窩


n.蝸軸螺旋管 - base of cochlear axis

蝸管基底脊 - basilar crest of cochlear duct

n.蝸總動脈 - common cochlear artery

n.蝸水管外口 - external aperture of cochlear aqueduct

蝸管外壁 - external wall of cochlear duct

n.蝸窗小窩 - fossula of cochlear sindow

n.蝸水管內口 - internal orifice of cochlear aqueduct

n.蝸軸板 - lamina of cochlear axis

多渠道匙量移入法 - multiple-channel cochlear implant

蝸管覆膜 - tectorial membrane of cochlear duct

n.蝸水管靜脈 - vein of cochlear aqueduct

蝸小管靜脈 - vein of cochlear canaliculus

n.蝸管前庭壁 - vestibular wall of cochlear duct

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