Democrats 民主黨;民主黨人;民主主義者;民主黨員;Free Democrats 自由民主黨;自民黨;New Democrats 新民主黨;Democrats Abroad 民主黨海外部;College Democrats 學院同盟;
1.Democrats hold eighteen of the seats that will be on the ballot and Republicans hold fifteen. To gain a majority, the Democrats need to win six of those seats and not lose any of their own. 民主黨擁有18席位將放在選舉票,與此同時共和黨擁有15票。為獲得多票,民族黨需要再贏六個席位且不丟失任何自己已有的席位。
2.Nazis: Conservatives. Republicans. Anyone who is not a Progressive Third Way Liberal. Any political identity group/party opposed to the Democrats. The guilty world-wide economic achiever-class. 納粹份子:保守主義者。共和黨人。任何不是進步的,擁護「第三條道路」的自由份子的人。任何反對民主黨的政治團體。全世界罪惡的經濟既得利益者階級。
3.Democrats point out that the bills in question do not mention abortion. 民主黨人指出尚待通過的議案中沒有提及墮胎。
4.This dispirits those Democrats who yearned, after eight years of George Bush, for audacious change. 而對於那些經歷了八年小布什政府坐莊,渴望出現重大變革的民主黨人來說,這無疑令人失望。
5.Rankin Fitch: Ah I hate Baptists almost as much as I hate Democrats. 蘭基·芬奇:啊我就像是恨民主黨一樣恨那些浸信會教友。