





n. auricle ,capitulum ,pinna ,spike


ear[iə]n. 耳朵;穗;聽覺;傾聽vi. (美俚)聽見;抽穗


ear 耳朵;耳機;線夾;耳耳狀物;artificial ear 仿真耳;人工耳;仿真耳,人造耳;人造耳;middle ear 中耳;鼓室;第二節 中耳;external ear 外耳;第一節 外耳;外耳?;耳垂肢;ear drops 滴耳劑;倒掛金鐘;甘油滴耳液;鈴兒草(蘇州府志);


1.She whispered the word in my ear . 她在我耳邊低聲說出那個詞。

2.Such music is pollution to the ear. 這樣的音樂是對耳朵的污染。

3.If anyone has an ear, let him hear. 只要人有一隻耳朵,就要讓他聽到。


Choose a wife rather by your ear than your eye. - 選妻,最好用耳莫用眼。

My father always gave an ear to my problems. - 家父常常傾聽我的問題。

Please lend an ear to this man's important news. - 請注意傾聽有關這個男人的重大新聞。

His ear is wounded, Does it hurt? - 他的耳朵受傷了,疼不疼?

Two sparrows on one ear of corn make an ill agreement. - 一穗兩雀爭,意見亂紛紛。

You really have an ear for pop music. - 你確實對流行音樂很有欣賞力。

Is it a black cat with one white ear and two white legs? - 是那只長著一隻白耳朵和兩條白腿的黑貓嗎?


tuberculosis of middle ear and mastoid - 中耳乳突結核

middle ear pressure - 中耳壓

middle ear barotrauma - 中耳氣壓損傷

middle ear effusion - 中耳積液

artificial ear drum - 人工鼓膜

internal ear fenestration knife - 內耳開窗刀

one ear esophageal-chest stethoscope - 單耳經食管胸腔聽診器

ear speculum for child - 小兒耳鏡

ear piece - 接耳端管

bayonet type ear forceps - 槍形耳用鑷

ear speulum; otoscope - 檢耳鏡

angled blade ear knife - 橫切口刀

ear lotion - 洗耳劑

n. ear of deep-drawn part - 深拉零件凸耳

ear drops - 滴耳劑

auristilla; ear drops - 滴耳法

ear drops - 滴耳藥

the ear as the window of the kindey; the ears the window of the kindey - 耳為腎竅

ear hemorrhage; othemorrhea; otorrhagia - 耳出血

aural curet; aural curette; ear curette - 耳刮匙

auriscalpium; ear spoon - 耳匙

aural reflex; ear reflex - 耳反射

aurioular lobule; ear lobe; earlobe; lobulus auriculae; lobulus auricular - 耳垂

chondroma of ear; ear chondroma - 耳殼瘤

ear cough - 耳性咳

ear bougie - 耳探子

ear bougie - 耳探條

ear pruritus; pruritus of ear - 耳搔癢

ear calorimeter; otocalorimeter - 耳測熱計

ear foreign body forceps - 耳用異物鉗

ear hemostatic forceps - 耳用止血鉗

ear furuncle; furuncle of ear - 耳癤

ear furuncle knife - 耳癤刀

ear suture; suture of ear - 耳縫術

ear muff - 耳罩

ear polyp - 耳菌

aural deformity; ear deformity - 耳郭畸形

manipulation methods of ear acupuncture - 耳針操作方法

auriculo acupuncture; auriculoacupuncture; ear needling; otopuncture - 耳針療法

auriculo-acupuncture anesthesia; ear acupuncture anesthesia - 耳針麻醉

ear forcips - 耳鑷

drum; ear drum - 耳鼓

indurated nodes of the ear lobe - 肥珠子風

ear instruments; odontal instttruments - 質跗饜丹

reconstructionof ear with cartilage graft - 軟骨移植耳再建術

blunt ear hook - 鈍耳鉤

sharp ear hook - 銳耳用鉤

ear plug - 防噪音耳塞


n.中耳缺失 - absence of middle ear

n.急性中耳炎 - acute ear

n.耳根毒 - acute lymphadenitis below ear

n.耳腺癌 - adenocarcinoma of ear

n.內耳變態反應 - allergy of inner ear

內耳麻醉 - anesthesia of inner ear

n.橫切口刀 - angled blade ear knife

n.曲周 - anterio-s perior to the ear

n.耳前切跡 - anterior incisure of ear

耳前切跡 - anterior notch of ear

猿樣耳 - ape ear

n.人工耳 - artificial ear

n.人工鼓膜 - artificial ear drum

人工中耳 - artificial middle ear

航空性中耳炎 - aviation middle ear inflammation

n.橫位耳甲,招風耳 - bat ear

n.槍形耳用鑷 - bayonet type ear forceps

n.海水浴耳病 - beach ear

生體電子耳 - bioelectronic ear

n.耳活組織檢查 - biopsy of ear

n.耳部爆震傷 - blart injury of ear

n.耳衄 - bleeding from ear

n.鈍耳鉤 - blunt ear hook

n.中耳癌 - cancer of middle ear

n.發耳 - carbuncle or cellulitis around the ear

鼓室頸動脈壁 - carotid wall of middle ear

n.菜花耳,皺縮耳 - cauliflower ear

貓耳 - cat ear

n.耳殼瘤 - chondroma of ear

傳音系正常耳 - conductive normal ear

n.耳郭先天性畸形 - congenital deformity of ear

n.先天性中耳狹窄 - congential narrowing of middle ear

n.外耳畸形 - deformity of external ear

n.外耳白喉 - diphtheria of external ear

n.旋耳瘡 - eczema of the ear

n.耳表皮樣癌 - epidermoid carcinoma of ear

n.耳切除術 - excision of ear

n.外耳 - external ear

n.耳纖維肉瘤 - fibrosarcoma of ear

n.扁平耳 - flat ear

n.耳內異物 - foreign body in ear

n.耳癤 - furuncle of ear

n.膠耳 - glue ear

n.中耳肉芽腫 - granuloma of middle ear

n.聽力好 - have a good ear

n.內耳出血 - hemorrage of inner ear

n.耳切開術 - incision of ear

n.肥珠子風 - indurated nodes of the ear lobe

n.內耳 - inner ear

內耳麻醉 - inner ear anesthesia


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