lamp-stand 燈台;On the small rat lamp-stand 小老鼠上燈台;
1.A six-foot lamp-stand (that) lights up others but stays dark itself. 丈八燈台——照見人家,照不見自己。
2.Thank the flame for its light, but do not forget the lamp-holder stand in the shade with constancy of patience. 感謝這燈焰的光輝,但別忘了那掌燈者堅忍的佇立在陰影中。
3.He has also found that CFLs last longer when used upright in a lamp-stand, rather than dangling from a ceiling fixture. 記者還發現緊湊型螢光燈直立安裝在燈座上比懸吊在天花板固定裝置上使用壽命更長。