mudflat[´mʌdflæt]n. 泥灘
mudflat 泥質潮灘;海濱泥灘 泥灘;泥灘 漁農;泥灘 環境保護;intertidal mudflat 潮間帶泥灘;coastal mudflat 海岸泥坪;rules of mudflat aquaculture 灘涂養殖規定;controversy over the right to the use of mudflat 灘涂使用權糾紛案;
1.The structure of ecosystem could be summarized as natural mudflat and artificially reclaimed area. 江蘇淤泥質海岸灘涂生態系統結構分為天然潮灘和人工墾區。
2.Every year since 1985, WWF has cleared mangrove seedlings from the area of inter tidal mudflat in front of the floating bird-watching hides. 自1985年起,世界自然基金會每年均於觀鳥屋前的潮澗帶泥灘進行清除紅樹樹苗的工作。
3.The mudflat development and utilization mentioned in the present Regulations refers to the induced siltation, enclosure, utilization and protection of mudflats. 本條例所稱開發利用灘涂,是指灘涂的促淤、圈圍、利用和保護。