privative['privətiv]adj. 剝奪的;缺少特定性質的n. 否定的前綴;否定的字或詞
privative 二元對立的;剝奪的;否定詞;否定字;privative opposition 有無對立;
1.A lot of problems of core condition often come from at outer shroud condition, if nutrient lack, feeling is privative, exciting excessive. 內環境的許多問題常來自於外環境,如營養缺乏、感覺剝奪、刺激過量等。
2.In essay after essay, waving aside evil as "merely privative, " Emerson justifies optimism and declares a holiday for the hard-pressed American soul. 在一篇又一篇的文章中,愛默生將罪惡作為「僅僅是私人的」而置之不理,證明了樂觀的合理性,並為高度壓抑的美國人的靈魂放了一個假期。
3.Its value is decided by the scientific evidences and practical function of mental test conclusions, and its privative force should be determined by judges, for its admissibility of evidence. 心理測試結論的科學依據和現實作用決定了其證據價值,其在證據能力上具有許容性,其證明力應由法官自由心證。