sanctuary and abjuration 避難和宣誓放棄;sanctuary and abjuration 避難和宣誓放棄;Sanctuary Cove 神仙灣;Crumbling Sanctuary 崩潰的神壇;崩潰的聖壇;Firefly Sanctuary 螢火蟲之墓;螢光;
1.You can see letters and emails resting on the Sanctuary Altar. 你可以看到信件和電子郵件被放置在聖殿祭壇。
2.I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. 我在聖所中曾如此瞻仰你、為要見你的能力、和你的榮耀。
3.The sanctuary is also inhabited by other endangered species, including the Arabian gazelle and houbara bustard. 此保護區還居住著一些瀕臨絕種的物種,包括阿拉伯瞪羚和波班鴇。
4.And forces from him will arise and profane the sanctuary, establishing the fortress and removing the daily sacrifice; and they will set up the abomination that desolates. 31他必起兵褻瀆聖所,就是保障,且要除掉日常的獻祭;他們必設立那造成荒涼的可憎之物。
5.Lift up thy feet unto the perpetual desolations; even all that the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary. 求你舉步去看那日久荒涼之地,仇敵在聖所中所行的一切惡事。