Carnival Again 嘉年華;又見嘉年華;又見嘉年華 下載;carnival amour 紫雨林;And now Im searching through these carousels and the carnival arcades 而現在通過這些輸送帶、化生搜索遊戲嘉年華;Brasilia Carnival 巴西狂歡節;Carnival 嘉年華;狂歡節;狂歡節,謝肉節;花樣年華;
1."Carnival ritual" is the main ritual of carnival, which is "Putting on crown and taking off crown banteringly". 「狂歡式」是「狂歡節」最主要的儀式,即「笑謔地給國王加冕和隨後的脫冕」。
2.To those monumental happenings the annual bacchanal of Carnival, now in full swing, seemed an appropriate backdrop. 在這些具有紀念碑意義的事件發生的同時,一年一度的狂歡節正如火如荼地舉行著,似乎是一道很合適的背景。
3.The bands are the most important part of the main Carnival parade. 在主要的嘉年華遊行中,樂隊是最重要的一個部分。
4.Think back to when you were a kid. You go to the carnival and one of the barkers yells "step right up and win a prize! "" 回想一下當你還是個孩子的時候,當你去參加嘉年華,其中有一個烤麵包師喊到「快來這裡贏取獎品!」
5.The Ahmadinejad camp mounted its own rally, bussing in thousands of supporters to the city's enormous open-air prayer ground in a carnival-type atmosphere. 艾哈邁迪內賈德陣營舉行了自己的集會,把成千上萬的支持者用公共汽車運送到這座城市巨大的露天祈禱場,那裡一片狂歡景象。