satrap['sætrip, 'sei-]n. 總督;太守;主管人;有最後決定權的人
satrap 太守;總督;暴吏;主管人;Marjane Satrap 莎塔琵;dey exarch satrap stadholder viceroy 總督;
1.One of the guards gave him a few lashes with a whip, and cursed the name of the Satrap. 一名侍衛提起鞭子,刷的一鞭打去,罵道:「吳三桂這反賊,叫他轉眼就滿門抄斬。」
2.The only government the folk down that way know about is Satrap Wu's. They've never even heard of the Emperor. 兄弟到西南各省走鏢,親眼見到,雲貴一帶大家就知道有吳三桂,不知道有皇帝。
3.They were to allow the Palace Guards to torture them, and only then were they to confess that they had been sent by the Satrap. 倘若被擒,起初不供,等到給韃子拷打得死去活來之後,才供出是受了平西王的指使,前來行刺皇帝。