





typesv. 打字(type的第三人稱單數形式)n. 類型(type的複數)


Types 分型;類型;分型:;種類;Object Types 物體類型;File types 文件類型;檔案類型;掃瞄檔案格式;Mate Types 配對類型;Blend types 倒圓類型;


1.I typed three letters this morning. 今天早上我用打字機打了三封信。

2.The auditor can have three types of reports. 審計師能有以下三種類型的報告。

3.Why do you choose the types of partners you choose? 你為什麼選擇你的合作夥伴選擇的類型?


wants agreement on general principles, which could be applied to many types of products and perhaps extended to other countries. - 則希望就普遍的原則取得一致,而這些原則適用於許多不同產品,同時可能延伸到其它國家。

Since that time, various types of hovercraft have appeared and taken up regular service. - 從那以後,各種各樣的氣墊船出現了,並開始了定期航行服務。

Start by making a list of all the types of books that you enjoy reading in Chinese. - 首先列出一個清單,把你喜歡讀的各類中文書都開列出來。

Some types of birds cannot fly. - 有些種類的鳥不會飛。

The kiwi, which is New Zealand's national bird, is one of these types of flightless birds. - 幾維,新西蘭的國鳥,就是這些不能飛行的鳥類當中的一種。

Other types of bee make their nests in holes in the ground. - 其他種類的蜂在地穴裡築巢。

Among the different types of bee, it is the honey bee that has most interested scientists because of the language they use to communicate with each other. - 在這些不同種類的蜂中,因為蜜蜂能用"語言相互傳遞信息,科學家們對它們最感興趣。

Experts believe that there are about 40,000 different types of job in the world. Choosing the right one is a difficult job in itself. - 專家們認為世界上大約有4萬個不同種類的工作。要從中選擇一個適合自己的工作是很困難的。


three types of diabetes - 三消

three types of arthralgia - 三痺

n. three types of cooling - 三種冷卻

nine types of needling - 九刺

five types of female sterility - 五不女

five types of male sterility - 五不男

five types of fulminant vaginal discharge; the five types of leucorrhagia - 五崩

five types of stranguria - 五淋

five types of jaundice - 五疸

five types of epilepsy - 五癇

five kinds of stiffness; five types of stiffness - 五硬

n. three types of cooling - 冷卻三型式

four diagnostic methods; four diagnostics; four types of water retention - 四診

four types of waer retention; four types of water retention - 四飲

types of pelvis - 骨盆類型


n.五癇 - five types of epilepsy

n.五不女 - five types of female sterility

n.五崩 - five types of fulminant vaginal discharge

n.五疸 - five types of jaundice

n.五不男 - five types of male sterility

n.五硬 - five types of stiffness

n.五淋 - five types of stranguria

n.四飲 - four types of waer retention

n.四飲,四診 - four types of water retention

n.交配型 - mating types

n.九刺 - nine types of needling

n.五崩 - the five types of leucorrhagia

n.三痺 - three types of arthralgia

n.三消 - three types of diabetes

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