parataxis[,pærə'tæksis]n. 並列
parataxis 排比;並列;互補性;平行思考;appose juxtapose juxtaposition parataxis 並列;Hypotaxis and Parataxis in the Context of English to Chinese Translation of Business Literature 商務英語翻譯中形合義合分析;
1.The most important contrast between Chinese and English is hypotaxis and parataxis. 形合與意合是英漢兩種語言最重要的一個區別。
2.It is generally agreed that English is a hypotaxis-prominent language while Chinese is a parataxis-prominent language. 通常認為英語以形合為主,漢語以意合為主。
3.There are two opinions on the termination and revocation of a labor contract: the Parataxis and the Containing. These two opinions put impression on the labor legislation now. 關於合同終止與解除,在我國法學界存在包容說和並列說兩種理解,且對現行立法產生重大影響。