a. rarefied ,rarified ,uncommon
rare[rεə]adj. 稀有的;半熟的;稀薄的adv. [口]非常;極其vi. [方]用後腿站起;[美口]渴望
rare 三分熟;稀有的;稀有的,珍貴的;稀罕的;rare metal 稀有金屬;稀有金屬,貴金屬;希有金屬;稀土金屬) (稀土金屬);rare earth 稀土元素;氧化物;稀土的,稀土族;稀土;rare base 稀有鹼基;稀有鹽基;rare species 稀有種;偶見種;稀有樹種;稀有物種;
1.That is a rare usage of this word. 那是這個單字的一種罕見的用法。
2.Such people as you describe are rare now. 你描寫的這種人現在已很少見了。
3.The doctor diagnosed my illness as a rare bone disease. 醫生診斷出我的病是一種罕見的骨病。
Jasper White is one of those rare people who believes in ancient myths. - 賈斯珀。懷特是少有的相信古代神話的人之一。
By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing. - 到了那個時候,狀況良好的蘭開斯特轟炸機實屬罕見,值得搶救。
As there were strange marks on the X-ray plates taken of the mummy, doctors have been trying to find out whether the woman died of a rare disease. - 由於在給這個木乃伊拍攝的X光片子上有點奇怪的斑點,所以,醫生們一直試圖搞清這位婦女是否死於一種罕見的疾病。
The more expensive kind of antique shop where rare objects are beautifully displayed in glass cases to keep them free from dust is usually a forbidding place. - 高檔一點的古玩店為了防塵,把文物漂亮地陳列在玻璃櫃子裡,那裡往往令人望而卻步。
There are rare instances when justice almost ceases to be an abstract concept. - 在個別情況下,正義不再是一種抽像概念。
The curious bottle, which now adorns the bookcase in his study, was his first and last purchase of rare cosmetics. - 在他書房的書櫃裡擺著那瓶形狀古怪的香水泥就是他第一次也是最後一次購買的稀有化妝品。
This is a rare occurrence as our climate seldom guest to extremes. - 但是在我們這裡,氣候很少發生異常,河水極少氾濫。
Soon the hobby leads to travel, perhaps to a meeting in another town, possibly a trip abroad in search of a rare specimen, for collectors are not confined to any one country. - 用不了多久,有這種愛好的人便開始旅行,也許是去另一個城市參加會議,也可能是出國尋找一件珍品,因為收藏家是不分國籍的。
rare medicinal herbs - 名貴藥材
n. rare earth containing alloy - 含稀土合金
rare medicinal herbs - 珍奇草藥
rare earth element - 稀土元素
n. rare earth additive alloy - 稀土填加合金
rare earth screen - 稀土屏
rare earths - 稀土族
rare earth - 稀土金屬
n. Rare Metal Research Group - 稀土金屬研究會
n. rare earth cobalt magnet - 稀土鈷磁體
n. rare earth cobalt magnet - 稀土鈷磁鋼
n. rare earth iron garnet - 稀土鐵榴石
rare element - 稀有元素
rare gas; rare gases - 稀有氣體
rare alkaline earth metal - 稀有鹼土金屬
minor base; odd base; rare base - 稀有鹼基
rare species - 稀有種
rare medicinal herbs - 稀有草藥
rare metal - 稀有金屬
n. rare metals - 稀有金屬礦
n. rare earth-cobalt magnet - 鈷稀土合金磁
n. amorphous rare earth iron film - 非晶稀土鐵膜