





Robbie Bach 巴赫;Robbie Henchman 民先生;Robbie Savage 薩維奇;沙維治;羅比·薩維奇;沙華治;Robbie Wats 現代搖滾樂;Robbie Bach 巴赫;


1.Newcastle are likely to be without the injured Nicky Butt, Kieron Dyer, Robbie Elliott, Aaron Hughes and Lee Bowyer . 紐卡斯爾陣中的尼基-巴特、朗-戴爾、比-埃裡奧特、龍-休斯和裡-鮑耶因傷可能缺陣。

2.Former Liverpool striker Robbie Fowler has admitted he would love to manage his old club one day. 前利物浦前鋒羅比·福勒承認,未來有一天如有機會,他非常願意執教老東家。

3.His boyhood hero was Marco van Basten and on arrival he would justifiably have harboured ambitions to follow in the footsteps of Anfield legends such as Ian Rush and Robbie Fowler. 他兒時的英雄是馬爾科-范巴斯滕,來到利物浦,他有足夠的理由沿著安菲爾德傳奇伊恩-拉什以及羅比-福勒的道路前進。

4.Cecilia Tallis: Robbie didnt you read my letters? Had I been allowed to visit you? Had they let me, every day, I would have been there every day. 塞西莉亞:羅比,你沒看我的信嗎?「我能去看你嗎?如果他們讓我去,每天,每天我都會去的。」

5.As John McMahon's second-string prepare for tonight's trip to Burnley, we continue our series of reserve interviews with defender Robbie Threlfall. 正如今晚麥克馬洪的預備隊正在備戰做客與伯恩利的比賽,我們繼續我們青年軍系列採訪之後衛斯瑞福爾。


And what's Robbie cooking for dinner? Robbie - 為晚餐準備了什麼?

Oh, Robbie will be thrilled. - 啊, Robbie會高興得不得了。

Oh, Robbie will be disappointed. - 啊 ,Robbie會很失望。

Yes, Mom was pregnant with Robbie then, - 是的, 那時媽媽懷著Robbie,

Well, Robbie was eight pounds two ounces, - 嗯 ,Robbie生下來八磅二盎司,

I gave them to Robbie to hold - 我把它們交給Robbie拿著

I'm sure Robbie has them. - 我確定在Robbie那裡。

No, no, Robbie doesn't have them. - 不, 不, Robbie沒有拿。

But when Robbie was born, - 但當Robbie出生後,

Where's your grandson Robbie and his friend Alexandra? - 你的孫子Robbie和他的朋友Alexandra呢?

I wish Robbie and Alexandra had come to this meeting. - 我真希望Robbie和Alexandra已經來參加開會。

If only Robbie and Alexandra were here. - 要是Robbie和Alexandra在這兒多好。

From what Robbie and Alexandra have told me, - 從Robbie和Alexandra告訴我的情況, 看來

No, let's wait till Robbie gets back from the airport. - 不要。我們等Robbie從機場回來吧。

She told Robbie that her flight tomorrow was canceled, - 她告訴Robbie說 她明天的班機取消了

Well, Robbie told me when he gave me this. - 嗯,當Robbie送給我這個的時候他告訴了我。

And to Robbie and the Stewart family - 並且感謝Robbie和Stewart全家

and Susan and Robbie to Jones Beach? - Susan、Robbie去Jones海濱的事嗎?

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