Cathar 純淨教派;純潔派;純潔;Cathar Castles 潔淨教派的城堡;
1.Sadly he had been brought up far from the grassy savannas of his home world Cathar and out of reach of the galaxy's more prosperous regions. 遺憾的是,他成長的地方遠離母星卡瑟的大草原,與銀河系較繁榮的區域也相去甚遠。
2.It is similar to the Cathar doctrine and he himself stated that he was restating the Hermetic gnosis and explaining the misunderstood central quest of alchemy. 它與卡特裡派信條相似,他聲稱自己正在重新敘述 秘傳的 諾斯替派和解釋了對煉金術主要尋求的誤解。
3.In an effort to stamp out their heresy, Pope Innocent III declared the Albigensian Crusade, in which the populace in Cathar regions was indiscriminately massacred. 後來教宗英諾森三世宣佈發動阿爾比派十字軍鎮壓這些異端,結果他們在清潔派地區不分青紅皂白殺了許多無辜百姓。