a. orientating ,orienting
disorientingvt. 使…迷惑;使…失去方向感
1.Worse still, when combined with the "overflow" UI I mentioned above, the result was disorienting "bouncing" between the left and right ends of the tab strip. 更糟的是,當前面提到的「標籤頁溢出」也同時發生時,它將導致讓人摸不著頭腦的「標籤頁跳躍」。
2.Temporal filchers are hunters that use their psionic abilities to "bump" prey ahead in time, thereby disorienting the creature and preventing aid from its companions, if any. 時竊怪是能夠利用其心靈能力把它們的獵物「撞入」未來的獵手,它以此來使該生物迷惑並防止獵物的同伴(如果有)進行協助。
3.Everything about the Wolves game was disorienting - the five goals, the quality of passing (Alan Ball was outstanding), the purr of the crowd, the genuine enthusiasm of a normally hostile press. 尤其是與狼隊的比賽中——五個進球,傳球的流暢性和準確率(阿蘭波爾的發揮不可思議)使全場球迷為之瘋狂,甚至受到了來自對手媒體的支持。