





n. necessary ,necessity ,requirement ,requisitea. all important ,crucial ,indispensable ,substantive


n. inessential ,nonessentiala. adjective ,inessential ,procedural ,unessential


essential[i'senʃəl]adj. 基本的;必要的;本質的;精華的n. 本質;要素;要點;必需品


essential 必要的,必不可少的,本質的,基本的;本質的;必需的,特有的,基本的;必需的;essential use 實質性使用;必要用途;實質性使甪;Essential Requirements 主要要求;基本要求;基本規範;essential accessory 必需附件;essential utilities 基本公用設施,如煤氣水電等;


1.It is an essential aspect of forgiveness. 這是寬恕中的一個必要方面。

2.Time keeping is essential to dream weaving. 時間一致是夢想編織的要素。

3.Copy control is an essential part of defining any C++ class. 複製控制是定義任意C++類必不可少的部分。


I do not know whether you realize it, but this condition is essential to us. - 我不知道你是否瞭解,但是,這個條件對我們是必要的。

We would like to point out that delivery before Christmas is essential and hope you can offer us that guarantee. - 我們想指出聖誕節前交貨很重要並希望貴方能就此向我們作出保證。

It's essential to choose the right means of transportation. - 選擇合適的運輸方式很重要。

lack of physical and mental energy, both of which are essential in turning out and throwing away, and sentiment. - 一是體力,精力均告不佳,這二者是清除無用的東西必不可少的因素;另一原因是感情因素。

The first essential in elephant training is to assign to the animal a single mahout who will be entirely responsible for the job. - 馴象中至關重要的是指派一名專門的馴象員,全面負責這項工作。

I don't know whether you realize it, but this condition is essential to us. - 我不知道你是否瞭解,但是,這個條件對我們是必要的。


essential component; main component; major constituent - 主要成分

essential hypotension - 原發性低血壓

essential fructosuria - 原發性果糖尿症

essential brown induration of lung syndrome - 原發性肺褐色硬結綜合征

essential benign hypertension - 原發性良性高血壓

glaucoma in essential atrophy of iris - 原發性虹膜萎縮性青光眼

essential hypercholesterolemia; primary hypercholexterolemia - 原發性高膽固醇血症

essential hypertension; essentialhypertension; primary hypertension - 原發性高血壓

basic skill; basic training; essential technique - 基本功

essential group - 必需基團

essential aminao-acid; essential amino acid; essential amino acids; indispensable amino acid - 必需氨基酸

essential amino-acid index - 必需氨基酸指數

essential growth factor - 必需生長因子

essential fatty acid; essential fatty acids - 必需脂肪酸

acute essential edema; angioneurotic edema - 急性自發水腫

essential oil; volatile oil - 揮發油

minimal essential medium - 最低必需培養基

essential hypertension; essentialhypertension; primery hypertension - 本質性高血壓

essential substances from food-stuff - 水谷之氣

nourish body's essential fluid; replenishing vital essence - 滋陰

essential hypertension; essentialhypertension - 特發性高血壓

essential substance for reproduction - 生殖之精

anima; essence of life; essential substance - 精

anima; essential substance; quintessence - 精華

house of essential substance; house of intelligence - 精明之府

essential uterine hemorrhage - 自發性子宮出血

essential dysmenorrhea; primary dysmenorrhea - 自發性痛經

essential pulmonary hemosiderosis - 自發性肺含鐵血黃素沉積症

essentia; essential element; hematopoietic element; principle; stuff; ?constituent - 要素

elemental diet; essential food - 要素飲食

essential substances of food - 食精

essential oil; ethereal oil - 香精油


n.急性自發水腫 - acute essential edema

n.原發性虹膜萎縮性青光眼 - glaucoma in essential atrophy of iris

n.精明之府 - house of essential substance

輕度緩適中的原發性高血壓 - mild and moderate essential hypertension

n.最低必需培養基 - minimal essential medium

最小必須培養基 - minimum essential medium

n.滋陰 - nourish body's essential fluid


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