





n. anaesthesia


anesthesia[,ænis'θi:ziə]n. [醫]麻醉;[醫]麻木(等於anaesthesia)


Anesthesia 麻醉;麻醉學;感覺缺失;麻醉(法),感覺缺失;twilight anesthesia 半麻醉;釋義:朦朧麻醉,半麻醉;balanced anesthesia 平衡麻醉;復合麻醉;復合麻醉(平衡麻醉);釋義:平衡麻醉,靜脈復合麻醉;Topical Anesthesia 表面麻醉;表麻醉;局部麻醉;釋義:表面麻醉;Anesthesia stool 麻醉凳;


1.Patients can have general anesthesia during the operation. 病人們可以在手術時進行全身麻醉。

2.The Reasons of the Low Incidence Rate of Intraoperative Awareness during General Anesthesia in China Medical University Hospital. 探討在中國醫藥大學附設醫院全身麻醉中「手術中醒覺」發生率偏低之原因。

3.To enhance the clinic operative level of anesthesia resident physician, we applied four-step stereo-teaching into clinical teaching. 為提高麻醉科住院醫師臨床操作水平,在臨床培訓中采四步臨床實體教學法。


anesthesia of superior posterior alveolar nerve - 上齒槽後神經麻醉

ether anesthesia apparatus - 乙醚麻醉器

anesthesia in labor - 分娩期麻醉

closed circuit anesthesia apparatus - 封閉循環式麻醉機

surface anesthesia of urethra - 尿道表面麻醉

to-and-fro anesthesia apparatus - 往複式麻醉器

nerve block anesthesia of digital root - 指根神經阻滯麻醉

portable anesthesia apparatus - 攜帶式麻醉機

to-and-fro anesthesia apparatus - 來回式麻醉器

infiltrration anesthesia of alveolar process - 牙槽突浸潤麻醉

intravenous anesthesia equipment for dentistry - 牙科靜脈麻醉用器械

anesthesia dolorsa - 疼痛性感覺缺失

anesthesia dolorosa - 痛性感覺喪失

superficial anesthesia of eye - 眼部表面麻醉

lumbar anesthesia needle - 腰椎麻醉注射針

acupuncture anesthesia induction - 針麻誘導

anesthesia of buccal nerve - 頰神經麻醉

anesthesia complication - 麻醉後併發症

anesthesia paralysis - 麻醉後麻痺

anespirator; anesthesia respirator - 麻醉呼吸兩用機

anesthesia apparatus; naesthesia machine - 麻醉機

anesthesia syringe - 麻醉注射器

anesthesia bottle - 麻醉瓶

anesthesia monitor - 麻醉監視器

anesthesia record - 麻醉記錄

anesthesia note - 麻醉記錄單


n.針刺麻醉 - acupncture anesthesia

n.針刺麻醉,針麻 - acupuncture anesthesia

n.針麻誘導 - acupuncture anesthesia induction

n.耳針麻醉 - auriculo-acupuncture anesthesia

n.平衡麻醉 - balanced anesthesia

n.基礎麻醉 - basal anesthesia

n.基礎麻醉 - basis anesthesia

n.比爾氏局部麻醉,局部靜脈麻醉 - biers local anesthesia

n.雙側支氣管麻醉 - bilateral endobronchial anesthesia

n.阻滯麻醉 - block anesthesia

n.體針麻醉 - body acupuncture anesthesia

n.二氧化碳吸收麻醉 - carbon-dioxide absorption anesthesia

n.脊尾麻醉,尾骶麻醉 - caudal anesthesia

中樞麻醉,中樞 - central anesthesia

腦性感覺缺損,腦性感覺消失 - cerebral anesthesia

水合氯醛麻醉 - chloral hydrate anesthesia

n.氯乙烷麻醉 - chloroethane anesthesia

n.環封式麻醉 - circular anesthesia

n.緊閉式麻醉,密閉式麻醉 - closed anesthesia

n.緊閉循環式麻醉 - closed circuit anesthesia

n.封閉循環式麻醉機 - closed circuit anesthesia apparatus

冷凍麻醉法,冷分析 - cold anesthesia

n.結腸麻醉 - colonic anesthesia

n.針刺復合麻醉 - combined acupuncture anesthesia

n.復合麻醉,合併麻醉 - combined anesthesia

n.傳導麻醉 - conduction anesthesia

n.接觸麻醉 - contact anesthesia

n.麻醉維持 - continuous anesthesia

n.持續骶管麻醉 - continuous caudal anesthesia

持續性硬膜外麻醉,持續性硬膜外麻醉法 - continuous epidural anesthesia

持續性脊髓麻醉,持續性脊椎麻醉 - continuous spinal anesthesia

交叉性感覺缺失 - crossed anesthesia

麻醉死亡 - death from anesthesia

牙質麻醉 - dentin anesthesia

牙科麻醉術,牙科麻醉 - dental anesthesia

麻醉深度 - depth of anesthesia

診斷麻醉,診斷用麻醉 - diagnostic anesthesia

食物麻醉 - diethylether anesthesia

分離脊椎麻醉 - differential spinal anesthesia

n.指神經阻滯麻醉 - digital nerve block anesthesia

n.分離性感覺缺失 - dissociated anesthesia

n.分離性感覺缺失 - dissociation anesthesia

分離麻醉,電離麻醉 - dissociative anesthesia

痛性感覺消失,痛性知覺消失 - dolorous anesthesia

n.德-杜二氏吸入麻醉 - drain-dumenil anesthesia

n.耳針麻醉 - ear acupuncture anesthesia

電麻醉 - electric anesthesia

n.電針麻醉 - electrical acupuncture anesthesia

n.電麻醉 - electro anesthesia

n.支氣管內麻醉 - endobronchial anesthesia

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