Avatar 阿凡達; 阿凡達;頭像;天神下凡;Avatar Warmech 人形戰鬥機甲;聖靈機甲;Avatar 2 阿凡達2;Primal Avatar 級 神力降臨;神力降臨;Default Avatar 默認頭像;
1.In Hinduism, an avatar or avatar a, is the incarnation (bodily manifestation) of an Immortal Being, or of the Ultimate Supreme Being. 在印度教,一個阿瓦塔或化身,是一個重要存在,或者是最終的上帝的肉身顯現。
2.What is an avatar? How do I get one? 什麼是用戶頭像?我怎麼可以得到一個?
3.You can see your level right next to your avatar, and the level of the selected character next to theirs. 你可以在你的頭像旁看到你的等級,而你選定的人物等級也在他們的頭像旁邊。
4.Create and save up to 3 completely personalized players: name, avatar, ball colour and weight, release power and spin. 創建並保存最多3完全個性化的玩家:名稱,化身,球的顏色和重量,釋放力量和旋轉。
5.Rosery, want an avatar? Get a gravatar. 應該是蟲,因為只得六對腳~呵呵。