n. laws ,pentateuch
torah['tɔrə, 'təu-, təu'rɑ:]n. 律法;聖經舊約之首五卷
Torah 律法書;律法;教律;摩西五經;Mishne Torah 密西拿律法書;dharma torah 律法;Sefer Torah 律法書卷;Talmud Torah 律法學校;
1.When Saints PeterPaul came to Rome, the Torah was already being read the Sabbath observed in the capital of the Roman Empire. 當聖彼德和聖保羅來到羅馬時,人們已開始在誦讀摩西經並且在羅馬帝國的首都裡過著安息日。
2.When Saints Peter and Paul came to Rome, the Torah was already being read and the Sabbath observed in the capital of the Roman Empire. 當聖彼德和聖保羅來到羅馬時,人們已開始在誦讀摩西經並且在羅馬帝國的首都裡過著安息日。
3.Opponents of this view point to the fact that the religion of the Torah seems very different to Atenism in everything except the central feature of devotion to a single god. 這種觀點的反對者認為,除了獻身於一個獨一的神這個主要特徵以外,《妥拉》宗教的很多方面看上去都與阿托恩的崇拜非常不同。