copping['kɔpiŋ]n. 絡緯工程v. 抓住(cop的現在分詞)
copping 絡緯工程;逮捕;copping motion 成形運動;copping faller 導紗鋼絲,成形墬桿;copping rail 成形軌;Jennifer Copping 詹尼弗·科普林;
1.But copping an attitude alone won't make you a hacker, any more than it will make you a champion athlete or a rock star. 但只具備這些態度並不能使你成為一名黑客,也不能使你成為一個運動健將和搖滾明星。
2.In addition, the Arabian traditional therapy, copping-bloodletting (Hijamah), is briefly mentioned and compared with Chinese acupuncture bloodletting. 此外還介紹了阿拉伯傳統拔罐放血療法,並與中醫的針灸刺血拔罐療法進行了比較。
3.They could be the guy out there with the ball in his hands the entire game, scoring buckets at will, copping an MVP, getting to the Finals, getting all the attention and adulation. 他們都想成為艾弗森那樣的人,在整場比賽中球不離手,用超強的意志瘋狂得分,奪下MVP,把球隊帶進去總決賽,得到所有人的關注和奉承。