esuabbr. 靜電單位(Electro Static Unit)
ESU 單元;英語口語聯盟;國際英語聯合會;進化顯著單元;ESU ElectrostaticUnit 靜電單位;ESU EchoSuppressorTestingSystem 回音抑製器測試系統;ESU Emergency Supply Unit 應急電源設備;ESU Exchange Signaling Unit 交換機信令單元;
1.Before concluding, I want to say that we appreciate the ESU's years of effort to cultivate the learning of English in China. 在結束之前,我要說,英語聯盟多年來幫助中國開展英語教學,我們對此深表讚賞。
2.Electrodes for Ecg, Eeg, Ems, Tens, Hf Surgery Plates, Esu Pencils and Bipolar and Monopolar forceps Medical / Surgical Instruments and Apparatus. 採購產品電極的心電圖,腦電圖,環境管理體系,數萬,高頻手術板,鉛筆,醫療/外科儀器及器具。
3.A lice esu e ion can occur in several different ways. The most common way to lose a driveis by accumulating traffic tickets for moving violation . 許多情況都會使駕照被吊銷,失去駕照最常見的一種方式就是多次違反交通規則。