hubsn. 樞紐;中心(hub的複數);轂
Hubs 花鼓;線器;樞紐;集線器;Switching Hubs 交換式集線器;Cycle hubs 自行車車轂;Ethernet Hubs 以太網集線器;Procurement Hubs 子市集;
1.Application: Road profile rotating bending test on wheel hubs with simulation of wheel load and lateral forces. 應用範圍:公路概況與旋轉彎曲載荷和車輪的側向力輪轂模擬試驗。
2.Workgroup switches can support as many as several thousand MAC addresses per switch with ports used to connect a small number of hubs or back bones. 工作組交換機能夠支持每台交換機多達幾千個監控地址,其端口可用來連接少量的集線器或基幹交換機。
3.And the elimination of small nodes will not disrupt the network topology significantly, because they contain few links compared with the hubs, which connect to nearly everything. 但移除小型節點並無法有效破壞網絡拓樸,因為它們只具有少數連結,而不像集散點那樣幾乎與所有節點相連。