paraxylenen. 對二甲苯
Paraxylene 二甲苯;對〔位〕二甲苯;Paraxylene Separation 對二甲苯分離;
1.Previously, say residents, the Xiamen government had given no indication that paraxylene might be hazardous. 居民說,廈門政府之前從來沒有提過聚二甲苯能造成的危害。
2.The plant proposed for Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, on the eastern coast of China, would make paraxylene, a petrochemical also known as PX and used to make polyester. 該計劃被提議設在浙江台州,中國的一個東面沿海城市。它會產生對二甲苯,一種也被人稱之為PX的石化製品,常被用來製作聚酯。
3.Paraxylene is used in the production of polyester fibers and plastic bottles. Benzene is an industrial chemical used to produce a wide range of plastics, detergents and other chemicals. 生產的對二甲苯用於聚脂光纖和塑料瓶,苯則用於工業上生產大範圍的塑料、清潔劑和其它化學用品。