





Source[sɔ:s]n. 來源;水源;原始資料


source 來源;廣告信息來源;源頭;源點;power source 電源;動力源;城市供電電源;能量之源;ideal source 理想電源;抱負電源;sound source 聲源;音源;聲音源;聲源 環境保護;source document 源文件;原始憑證;原始文件;源文書資料;


1.The statement was sourced to the Secretary of State. 那個聲明已提供給了(美國)國務卿。

2.Let us call now upon our soul, oversoul and source. 現在讓我們召喚我們的靈魂、超靈和源頭。

3.The roots are a commercial source of sugar (sugar beet). 根是一個糖(糖甜菜)的商業的來源。


They mentioned you as a good source of information. - 他們說你消息靈通。

Is the source of the information reliable? - 那個消息的來源可靠嗎?

Fame like a river is narrowest at its source and broadest afar off. - 名譽像條河,源頭最狹窄,遠處最寬闊。

Imagination is the source of creation. - 想像是創作之源。

He has pointed out that the tree is a useful source of income as tour-ists have been coming from all parts of the country to see it. - 他指出,由於人們從全國各地紛紛前來參觀這棵樹,

Mum or dad, of course, provide a regular supply of pocket money, but uncles and ants are always a source of extra income. - 爸爸媽媽當然經常給孩子零花錢,但是,叔舅嬸姨也是孩子們額外收入來源。

Car alarms constantly scream at us in the street and are a source of profound irritation. - 在街上,汽車的防盜警報不斷對我們吼叫,這是人們極度煩燥的一個原因,

The noise pollution survey revealed a rather spurring and possibly amusing old fashioned source of noise. - 這個有關噪音的污染調查還揭示了一種出人意外而同時可能會引人意外而同時可能會引人發笑的老式噪音源。

Whatever the source of noise, one thing is certain: silence, it seems, has become a golden memory. - 看來寂靜已變成一種珍貴的回憶。


source of secondary radiation - 二次輻射源

source of infection - 傳染源

light source moniter - 光源監視器

light source stabilizer - 光源穩壓器

source deck - 原始程序卡片組

source points; the Yuan-points - 原穴

radioactive source shielding - 屏蔽輻射源

plane source sensitivity - 平面源靈敏度

source of infection - 感染源

n. radiation source container - 放射源容器

n. radiation source strength - 放射源強度

effective source area - 有效源面積

source of toxicant - 毒物來源

source skin distance - 源與皮膚間距

source organ - 源器官

n. source holder - 源固定器

n. source holder - 源容器

source strength - 源強

n. source holder - 源支架

n. source capsule - 源盒

source related risk assessment - 源相關的危害分析

source program - 源程序

source program library - 源程序庫

n. source capsule - 源管

n. source capsule - 源金

spark source ionization - 火花源電離作用

spark source mass spectrometr; spark source mass spectrometry - 火花源質譜儀

point source of light - 點狀光源

primary source of tri-jiao - 焦原

n. spark source mass spectrometry - 電花源質譜分析

the source of growht and development - 生化之源

region between the wo kidneys where qi is stored; source of qi - 生氣之原

source impedance - 電源阻抗

n. power source for plating - 電鍍用電源

n. direct current power source for plating - 電鍍用直流電源

n. power source for plating - 電鍍電源

source of secondary healt radiation - 第二輻射熱源

light source regulator for intragastrocammera - 胃照相機光源調節器

n. source of mercury vapor - 貢蒸汽源鏟

n. radiation source container - 輻射源容器

n. radiation source strength - 輻射源強度

as source of neutrons - 開作為中子源


n.大氣污染源 - air pollution source

n.鹼源 - alkali source

n.人工光源 - artificial light source

n.開作為中子源 - as source of neutrons

n.大氣污染源 - atmospheric pollution source

n.血汗同源 - blood and sweat are from the same source

n.刻度源,校標用源 - calibration source

碳素源 - carbon source

n.連續信息源 - continuous message source

n.連續源 - continuous source

n.水源管理 - control of water source

n.宇宙線源 - cosmic-ray source

n.坩堝型固體離子源 - crucible type solid source

n.離散信號源 - discrepe message source

n.假放射源 - dummy source

n.有效源面積 - effective source area

能源 - energy source

n.精血同源 - essence and blood have a common source

n.外標準源 - external standard source

洪水源 - flood source

n.顯微鏡螢光燈源 - fluorescent light source

n.冷光源 - gold-light source

n.熱源 - heat source

火源 - ignition source

n.內校準源 - internal calibration source

內部標準源 - internal standard source

n.離子源 - ion source

n.電離源 - ionization source

n.同位素中子源 - isotope neutron source

n.光源 - light source

n.光源監視器 - light source moniter

n.胃照相機光源調節器 - light source regulator for intragastrocammera

n.光源穩壓器 - light source stabilizer

線光源 - line source

n.線狀輻射源 - linear radiation source

n.聲源空間定位 - localization of sound source

n.流動污染源 - mobile pollution source

n.天然水源 - natural water source

n.中子源 - neutror source

氮源 - nitrogen source

平面源 - plane source

n.平面源靈敏度 - plane source sensitivity

n.點污染源 - point pollution source

n.點放射源,點狀放射源 - point radiation source

n.點源 - point source

n.點狀光源 - point source of light

n.焦原 - primary source of tri-jiao

n.放射源,輻射防護監督人員 - radiation source

n.放射源 - radioactive source

n.屏蔽輻射源 - radioactive source shielding

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